Issue 25
Sorry for the delay, folks, it’s been a busy week! Next week will likely be busy as well- but I will be able to provide at least 2 new issues. I am also looking to start a side comic soon- if I have time then I will get to that on wednesday. It will be located right here in the blog section, so no need to go hunting.
↓ Transcript
Max: Ok where to begin? Lets see...Squiggie? Why Squiggie? Who is this person playing Squiggie anyway?
Romeo: What? You mean you don't know who that is? It's Snooki! From the Jersey Shore! Its only my most favorite show ever that doesn't have Doctors and/or Cops on it!
Max: Oh goddamnit. No I don't know what a fucking Snooki looks like, Walter. I know of the Jersey Shore, unfortunately, but I have better things to do than rot my brain watching MTV. Why the fuck would you want this creature in your show? You know what? Never mind. Forget it. I don't care. This is the first person we may actually get to hire for your shitty show. Well. Gary Busey would probably do it too. Whatever- it doesn't matter. Next question. Do you realize that this is the most convenient set up ever? You have a suspect- standing over a pile of possible assault weapons- with a framed image of the victim with a bullseye drawn over his hand. My god. Do you even know what subtlety means? Again. Never mind. Don't even bother answering that question either. Fuck. Answer this is instead: Why did you feel the need to draw in the sounds of gunfire as well as type them in the script format? Also- fucking. goddamnit I just realized why there were "Zap"s in there. Kanye has a fucking laser gun. Goddamnit. Why?
Romeo: Well I wrote the Bangs and the Zaps into the script- so uh...i don't know why I did both really. I like it though. And Moses has a laser gun because he is the Lieutenant Attending and has access to the best technology.
Max: You are aware that laser guns do not exist, right?
Romeo: No way! If they have laser projection machines then they gotta have laser guns too!
Romeo: What? You mean you don't know who that is? It's Snooki! From the Jersey Shore! Its only my most favorite show ever that doesn't have Doctors and/or Cops on it!
Max: Oh goddamnit. No I don't know what a fucking Snooki looks like, Walter. I know of the Jersey Shore, unfortunately, but I have better things to do than rot my brain watching MTV. Why the fuck would you want this creature in your show? You know what? Never mind. Forget it. I don't care. This is the first person we may actually get to hire for your shitty show. Well. Gary Busey would probably do it too. Whatever- it doesn't matter. Next question. Do you realize that this is the most convenient set up ever? You have a suspect- standing over a pile of possible assault weapons- with a framed image of the victim with a bullseye drawn over his hand. My god. Do you even know what subtlety means? Again. Never mind. Don't even bother answering that question either. Fuck. Answer this is instead: Why did you feel the need to draw in the sounds of gunfire as well as type them in the script format? Also- fucking. goddamnit I just realized why there were "Zap"s in there. Kanye has a fucking laser gun. Goddamnit. Why?
Romeo: Well I wrote the Bangs and the Zaps into the script- so uh...i don't know why I did both really. I like it though. And Moses has a laser gun because he is the Lieutenant Attending and has access to the best technology.
Max: You are aware that laser guns do not exist, right?
Romeo: No way! If they have laser projection machines then they gotta have laser guns too!