Issue 18
Well this is sloppy as hell. Sorry, but this is the best I can do right now. Comicpress is all messed up after updating and some other problems and I don’t know how to fix it myself. Had a friend help me get this far and I am still looking for some help for a permanent solution. It seems like a lot of comicpress users are having trouble with the new version and with Quomic Press not being present in the new version. Quomic Press (or Quick Comic Press) was a very simple method for uploading my comics and without it I don’t even know what I am doing! So, as you can see, The comic is just pasted into the blog area which is normally reserved for our personal and intimate one on one messages down here! Our privacy has been completely interrupted. This is why you see the MaxMail Transcript above the comic instead of below. I’m working on it! Sorry again. Be patient for me, please and thank you!
Romeo: Yeah I know, doing all those speech bubbles is really tough! I never realized how difficult it was. I certainly have a lot more respect for comic letterers.
Max: Well you did a terrible job. Look at the panel with Alexis where she is completely surrounded by text. It is so awkward. It looks like there should be pauses between each bubble of text.
"but there is."
"A procedure that we are."
"supposed to follow and we."
"need you to."
"Be focused on."
"The investigation right now."
You think that looks natural?
Romeo: Hm. Good point. I will be sure to avoid that in the future. But you know, technically only you and me will ever see these pages. And maybe a director or writer i suppose. They're only story boards after all, it's not like I have an entire audience looking at these sloppy pages or anything! :-P